Genre and Style
Our short film deals with many modern issues faced by young adults such as growing up in an ignorant society, coming of age and finding acceptance, it is because of these themes that we believe our short fits into the genre of social realism. It could also be said that short has an adventure element to it due to the journeys the character takes when he enters his drawings.
In the short the young man is portrayed as having more traditional feminine characteristics and also as being a homosexual, it is because these traits that he is treated like an outcast and inferior by his family. This is unfortunately still apparent in many society's and cultures around the world today and because we address such issues our film is of the social realism genre.
There is a strong representation of middle class throughout our short film as it very important for us to convey to the audience that the boy has had a very comfortable, traditional, structured upbringing which has left him imprinted with strong outdated beliefs. However he goes against his families ideals and it is because of this that they treat him badly, thus making him want to escape.
When choosing the locations for the film it was important for us to pick open and peaceful places for the boy to draw and escape to, as it helps to show the pain in his real with his family but also highlight his want for freedom and escape from a constricting and un-accepting place. The long shots will show our characters isolation and he has been outcast by his family as a result of his mistreatment from his family.
Our short film is a study of society norm and the effects of the traditional middle class home on a young and homosexual boy. It was important for us to clearly show the audience our protagonists sexuality as it is the reason he is victimized by his family and we show this through costume, props and mise en scene. The clothing our character wears will be styled quite loudly and with floral prints to clearly differentiate him from the stereotypical male characteristics and convey his stereotypical homosexual nature.
The age of our character was also a very important factor for us to consider and portray effectively as
The expected audience for our thriller would probably be for the ages of 16+ as they may be able to relate to the coming of age themes, understand the problems with society expectations or simply to be able to see the problems with a strict suppressed society and the consequences of one. The gender of our audience will be very much a mixture of female and males as although the lead character is male the issues dealt with are very applicable to both genders. The same goes for social as even the film heavily represents a middle class family the issues can be apparent with any social class.
Ideally our short will be screened all over the world and we will become millionaires through its success!
Our short film would be screened on short film websites for film enthusiasts as it has an interesting and unique plot but also has an eerie disconcerting truth to it. Perhaps the short would also do well being screened at schools to show power the discrimination to young people so they are aware of it from a young age.
The structure of our narrative will be linear to show that the boy's ill treatment is never ending and is getting worse thus making him want to escape more and more which will eventually lead to him getting stuck in the drawings.
Propp's theory of narrative can be applied to our short film as we see the young boy as a victim of a strict, close minded traditional middle class family and his parents as the villains as they treat him unjustly. It is important that we make the two roles clear from the start so that the audience understand the boys need for escape but also the harsh reality of a un-accepting society.
It is also interesting to consider our short from Todorov's theory of narrative as we establish the equilibrium of the boys life at his home where he is an outcast, the audience are then presented with an disruption in the form of his harsh family but there is no resolution as he ends up stuck in his drawing. It is necessary for the short film to end this way as it shows the audience that for many people that live in a society which doesn't accept them, don't have a way out.
Media Language
In our short film we'd like to use many point of view shots to help the audience empathize we our lead character, we will do this by shooting many close ups and medium shots. The film will also include many hand-held shots and tracking shots to help show the boys growing fear as he becomes trapped within the drawings. When it comes to editing the short we want to make the transition from drawing to location as smooth as possible so there is no clear cut between the two.
The external monologue and non-diegetic sound will help the audience in understanding our lead character and make the film more personal to the viewer. The peaceful locations chosen are important to show the characters want for escape and the pain he feels at home. The effective use of mise en scene when the boy is at home will help to show his unusual character traits which lead his family to isolate him; such as his fashion designs, his choice of clothing and even his choice of music.
The short film 'Ronan's Escape' deals with many of the same themes we wish to include in our own film. The themes of discrimination and escape are very clear in this short film and the narrative has a great impact on the audience. We hope to achieve the same with out own short film!
There is a strong representation of middle class throughout our short film as it very important for us to convey to the audience that the boy has had a very comfortable, traditional, structured upbringing which has left him imprinted with strong outdated beliefs. However he goes against his families ideals and it is because of this that they treat him badly, thus making him want to escape.
When choosing the locations for the film it was important for us to pick open and peaceful places for the boy to draw and escape to, as it helps to show the pain in his real with his family but also highlight his want for freedom and escape from a constricting and un-accepting place. The long shots will show our characters isolation and he has been outcast by his family as a result of his mistreatment from his family.
Our short film is a study of society norm and the effects of the traditional middle class home on a young and homosexual boy. It was important for us to clearly show the audience our protagonists sexuality as it is the reason he is victimized by his family and we show this through costume, props and mise en scene. The clothing our character wears will be styled quite loudly and with floral prints to clearly differentiate him from the stereotypical male characteristics and convey his stereotypical homosexual nature.
The age of our character was also a very important factor for us to consider and portray effectively as
The expected audience for our thriller would probably be for the ages of 16+ as they may be able to relate to the coming of age themes, understand the problems with society expectations or simply to be able to see the problems with a strict suppressed society and the consequences of one. The gender of our audience will be very much a mixture of female and males as although the lead character is male the issues dealt with are very applicable to both genders. The same goes for social as even the film heavily represents a middle class family the issues can be apparent with any social class.
Ideally our short will be screened all over the world and we will become millionaires through its success!
Our short film would be screened on short film websites for film enthusiasts as it has an interesting and unique plot but also has an eerie disconcerting truth to it. Perhaps the short would also do well being screened at schools to show power the discrimination to young people so they are aware of it from a young age.
The structure of our narrative will be linear to show that the boy's ill treatment is never ending and is getting worse thus making him want to escape more and more which will eventually lead to him getting stuck in the drawings.
Propp's theory of narrative can be applied to our short film as we see the young boy as a victim of a strict, close minded traditional middle class family and his parents as the villains as they treat him unjustly. It is important that we make the two roles clear from the start so that the audience understand the boys need for escape but also the harsh reality of a un-accepting society.
It is also interesting to consider our short from Todorov's theory of narrative as we establish the equilibrium of the boys life at his home where he is an outcast, the audience are then presented with an disruption in the form of his harsh family but there is no resolution as he ends up stuck in his drawing. It is necessary for the short film to end this way as it shows the audience that for many people that live in a society which doesn't accept them, don't have a way out.
Media Language
In our short film we'd like to use many point of view shots to help the audience empathize we our lead character, we will do this by shooting many close ups and medium shots. The film will also include many hand-held shots and tracking shots to help show the boys growing fear as he becomes trapped within the drawings. When it comes to editing the short we want to make the transition from drawing to location as smooth as possible so there is no clear cut between the two.
The external monologue and non-diegetic sound will help the audience in understanding our lead character and make the film more personal to the viewer. The peaceful locations chosen are important to show the characters want for escape and the pain he feels at home. The effective use of mise en scene when the boy is at home will help to show his unusual character traits which lead his family to isolate him; such as his fashion designs, his choice of clothing and even his choice of music.
The short film 'Ronan's Escape' deals with many of the same themes we wish to include in our own film. The themes of discrimination and escape are very clear in this short film and the narrative has a great impact on the audience. We hope to achieve the same with out own short film!