The poster of this film really is a feast for the eyes. It's enjoyable and inviting to look at. Makes anyone who hasn't seen the film want to see it. Graphology plays an important role in the making of a poster and together with text this cohesion creates something magnificence.
The characters are communicated through the large centred images. They are clear and mise-en-scene assists in defining who the characters really are. From the name 'The King's Speech' it is evident to the audience that the main character is a king: Colin Firth is dressed in smart, luxe clothing standing by the famous doors of the palace. This connotes a message of royalty and that he is the king. Without even having to have watched this film it is evident from the poster what it is about. You see the crowds of people, the gold writing, the crown placed on the I in King's and the smart tailored suit and you automatically know a brief outline of the story.
The fact that the name of the film and power-connoting image help to portray the narrative through the poster enables the audience to get a feel of the film through the powerful poster. The image of the palace view and smart attire that the cast are wearing additionally assists in speaking the narrative through the film advertisement.
The fact that the name of the film and power-connoting image help to portray the narrative through the poster enables the audience to get a feel of the film through the powerful poster. The image of the palace view and smart attire that the cast are wearing additionally assists in speaking the narrative through the film advertisement.
This poster represents power, high class and status. As it is evident from various features, power is specifically portrayed because he is a king. Not only is this apparent from the title of the film 'The King's Speech', but the gold-hued text and gold embellished detailing make power and wealth come alive.
As the film tells the story of a king and the impact he had on many people the poster obviously needed to speak that message to the audience; the message of wealth, power and shear strength and determination. The five stars above the name project success, making it a reason for people to come and see the film that little bit more. Often when films have won awards they like to display them on posters and in advertisements to gain a wider audience and breathe their success into the viewers so they are aware that the film is without a doubt a must see.
The genre of 'The King's Speech' is a historical drama and period piece which tells the moving story of King George VI and his battle with his stammer. Often with film posters it's challenging to identify the genre of the film, unless it's a thriller or horror, because if the poster doesn't reveal much of the story then it's difficult categorize the genre.
It is evident that this poster represents it's category 'Historical Drama' as it uses representative images to portray the story of the King. In the background, there are zeppelins in the sky, showing what era the film is set in- it also connotes a message of war, enabling the audience to identify with the genre.
As this film tells a story of a real life event, other genre categories that it could fall into are Historical fiction and biography. There is no evidence on the poster that tells the message about this film being based on a real life event. However, importance is connoted through gold-hued text, famous actors and the duo of 5 star awards. Even though from seeing the poster the audience might not know the overall story, they can see the power and importance displayed through the image/text cohesion.
Once the genre of a poster and film have been identified only then can the appropriate audience be distinguished. Any one who is interested in Historical Fiction and biography's would be the audience of this film. This film could be targeted at those who are relatively interested in the Royal Family and historical events- seeing significant events portrayed in a film interest those who read up or learned about the events before hand.
Whilst doing my research regarding 'The King's Speech' targeted audience I came across a large amount of statistics showing that the audience of this film lies within the older generation. Although the expected audience are those of the older generation, students who have an enthusiasm for English culture and have some degree of historical curiosity are additionally members of 'The King's Speech' audience.
Again, since this film uses a wide range of famous and much-love actors and actresses, people will come to watch the film who find themselves a 'fan' of that particular famous being. Colin Firth, for example, is an Oscar winning actor; someone that is likely to increase potential audience just because of his high status.
Film Language
The genre of 'The King's Speech' is a historical drama and period piece which tells the moving story of King George VI and his battle with his stammer. Often with film posters it's challenging to identify the genre of the film, unless it's a thriller or horror, because if the poster doesn't reveal much of the story then it's difficult categorize the genre.
It is evident that this poster represents it's category 'Historical Drama' as it uses representative images to portray the story of the King. In the background, there are zeppelins in the sky, showing what era the film is set in- it also connotes a message of war, enabling the audience to identify with the genre.
As this film tells a story of a real life event, other genre categories that it could fall into are Historical fiction and biography. There is no evidence on the poster that tells the message about this film being based on a real life event. However, importance is connoted through gold-hued text, famous actors and the duo of 5 star awards. Even though from seeing the poster the audience might not know the overall story, they can see the power and importance displayed through the image/text cohesion.
Once the genre of a poster and film have been identified only then can the appropriate audience be distinguished. Any one who is interested in Historical Fiction and biography's would be the audience of this film. This film could be targeted at those who are relatively interested in the Royal Family and historical events- seeing significant events portrayed in a film interest those who read up or learned about the events before hand.
Whilst doing my research regarding 'The King's Speech' targeted audience I came across a large amount of statistics showing that the audience of this film lies within the older generation. Although the expected audience are those of the older generation, students who have an enthusiasm for English culture and have some degree of historical curiosity are additionally members of 'The King's Speech' audience.
Again, since this film uses a wide range of famous and much-love actors and actresses, people will come to watch the film who find themselves a 'fan' of that particular famous being. Colin Firth, for example, is an Oscar winning actor; someone that is likely to increase potential audience just because of his high status.
Film Language
The lighting in this poster is light and refreshing which enables all the small details in the image to be identified. As this photograph is additionally a medium close-up: this allows the audience to be introduced to characters, surroundings and other aspects of mise-en-scene.
The gold embellishment details in the building and in the formal attire, allow wealth and power to be foretold. Without the audience even viewing this film, they are automatically introduced to a world that whispers deep opulence.
The lexis "King's Speech" marries in well with the chosen images placed in the poster. The text/image cohesion inform the audience of what is to come- a story about a king's speech. Seeing this inviting and eye-friendly poster gives you almost no reason not to see it. Perhaps it's the duo of 5 stars that scream 'watch me' to the spectators.